EMPYRE - Empyre Redux Olive & Grey Knit Tee. S size. $14.99 UsD. Included in my purchase to clock $75 UsD so as to enjoy free shipment within US. However got an email from Zumiez a few days later that it is out of stock. Really wanted it as it is kinda different from the usual tees i buy and wanted to have a change of style.

FAMOUS STARS & STRAPS. S size. $19.95 UsD. Saw this in the site long ago. Was afraid that the tag on the sleeves are too big. Got it anyway. Had a tee of the same brand many years ago and cutting fits well.

FAMOUS STARS & STRAPS - FTW White Tee. S size. $19.95 UsD. My kind of tee. Got lots of such.

THE SEVENTH LETTER - Gibbs Train Black Tee. S size. $24.95 UsD. Love at first sight. However the more i look at it, the more i think is just another tee.
Shipment with vpost S$10.84, after a 50% off for first timer customer. Total price of Tees is $64.85 UsD. Grand total S$95.94.